Showing 19–36 of 104 results
Numbers 1 to 100
Practice counting up to one hundred, recognizing digits 1 to 100, and reading number words.
Ordinal Numbers
Ordinals flashcards with word cards and number cards from 1st to 31st.
Long Vowel Rhyming Words
Five sets of rhyming cards, one for each long vowel sound, with 3 or 4 rhymes together on one card.
Short Vowel Word Families
5 sets of cards to practice reading words that share the same ending sound.
Thanksgiving food
9 cards for teaching about some of the foods we see at Thanksgiving dinner.
Contractions with NOT
32 word cards for practice reading negative contractions such as don’t, can’t, won’t.
Common Contractions
Four sets of word cards for practice reading contractions with pronouns + verbs: will, would, to have and to be.
Full-Page Printable Alphabet Sets
All 26 letters on a single page in 4 different alphabet styles: cursive, outline, serif, or plain & simple print.
Serif Alphabet
Uppercase and lowercase alphabet cards with letter shapes that readers will find in printed materials, including the double-storey a and g.
Cursive Alphabet
Cards with uppercase and lowercase letters for teaching cursive handwriting.
Animals A to Z
54 black and white animal flashcards.
Action Flashcards – Set D
16 action verbs for building vocabulary.
Dolch Nouns
Here is the standard set of 95 Dolch nouns. These words supplement the Dolch Sight Words list of 220 “service words”.
Dolch Sight Words
Download 220 Dolch Sight words, divided into five sets.
Final Consonant Blends
Five sets of phonics word cards to practice reading and spelling final consonant blends.
Job Titles in British English
9 occupation flashcards with British English terms.