Prices under $100

5.00 out of 5




This set of flashcards gives you a chance to practice numbers up to 100 in the context of shopping. The picture cards show images of school supplies with prices printed below. Using the school supply flashcards without prices, you can try a “prices dictation” (the teacher’s checklist makes this easy). Or allow the students to set their own prices and dictate to each other.

You can also print prices-only flashcards and combined them with a different set of nouns, such as food flashcards.

Most of the pictures are recycled from the bigger “Classroom Objects” flashcard set.

Most of the objects are singular nouns, except three (scissors, coloured pencils, and stickers). So be ready to practice both How much is the ~ ? and How much are the ~ ?

The prices are realistic– I found these numbers on a cheaply-priced online retailer of actual classroom supplies.

Prices are all in dollars, with the $ symbol.

Have fun shopping!

Preview of Checklist


1 Page

List of 18 picture cards with prices.

Preview of Prices only, Small

Prices only, Small

2 Pages

18 cards with prices, 9 cards per page.


$1.07, $1.79, $2.79, $3.98, $4.99, $8.95, $9.97, $13.98, $14.27, $14.99, $15.33, $22.79, $25.95, $33.15, $42.48, $65.52, $79.97, $99.99

Preview of Prices only, Medium

Prices only, Medium

9 Pages

18 cards with prices, 2 cards per page.


$1.07, $1.79, $2.79, $3.98, $4.99, $8.95, $9.97, $13.98, $14.27, $14.99, $15.33, $22.79, $25.95, $33.15, $42.48, $65.52, $79.97, $99.99

Preview of Prices only, Large

Prices only, Large

18 Pages

18 cards with prices, one full-page price per page.


$1.07, $1.79, $2.79, $3.98, $4.99, $8.95, $9.97, $13.98, $14.27, $14.99, $15.33, $22.79, $25.95, $33.15, $42.48, $65.52, $79.97, $99.99

Preview of Images with prices, Small

Images with prices, Small

2 Pages

18 pictures of classroom objects with a price below each image.


$1.07, $1.79, $2.79, $3.98, $4.99, $8.95, $9.97, $13.98, $14.27, $14.99, $15.33, $22.79, $25.95, $33.15, $42.48, $65.52, $79.97, $99.99, eraser, pen, sharpener, notebook, ruler, coloured pencils, stickers, glue, scissors, clock, stapler, basketball, backpack, lamp, trash can, chair, desk, globe

Preview of Images with prices, Medium

Images with prices, Medium

9 Pages

18 pictures of classroom objects with a price below each image.


$1.07, $1.79, $2.79, $3.98, $4.99, $8.95, $9.97, $13.98, $14.27, $14.99, $15.33, $22.79, $25.95, $33.15, $42.48, $65.52, $79.97, $99.99, eraser, pen, sharpener, notebook, ruler, coloured pencils, stickers, glue, scissors, clock, stapler, basketball, backpack, lamp, trash can, chair, desk, globe

Preview of Images with prices, Large

Images with prices, Large

18 Pages

18 pictures of classroom objects with a price below each image.


$1.07, $1.79, $2.79, $3.98, $4.99, $8.95, $9.97, $13.98, $14.27, $14.99, $15.33, $22.79, $25.95, $33.15, $42.48, $65.52, $79.97, $99.99, eraser, pen, sharpener, notebook, ruler, coloured pencils, stickers, glue, scissors, clock, stapler, basketball, backpack, lamp, trash can, chair, desk, globe

Preview of Images only, Small

Images only, Small

2 Pages

18 pictures of classroom objects.


eraser, pen, sharpener, notebook, ruler, coloured pencils, stickers, glue, scissors, clock, stapler, basketball, backpack, lamp, trash can, chair, desk, globe

Preview of Images only, Medium

Images only, Medium

9 Pages

18 pictures of classroom objects.


eraser, pen, sharpener, notebook, ruler, coloured pencils, stickers, glue, scissors, clock, stapler, basketball, backpack, lamp, trash can, chair, desk, globe

Preview of Images only, Large

Images only, Large

18 Pages

18 pictures of classroom objects.


eraser, pen, sharpener, notebook, ruler, coloured pencils, stickers, glue, scissors, clock, stapler, basketball, backpack, lamp, trash can, chair, desk, globe

Prices under $100 Word List

  • $1.07
  • $1.79
  • $13.98
  • $14.27
  • $14.99
  • $15.33
  • $2.79
  • $22.79
  • $25.95
  • $3.98
  • $33.15
  • $4.99
  • $42.48
  • $65.52
  • $79.97
  • $8.95
  • $9.97
  • $99.99

10 comments for Prices under $100

  1. 5 out of 5

    Luciano Castillo

    Very useful and practical way to learn Nouns and numbers for beginners!

  2. 5 out of 5



  3. 5 out of 5


    great help

  4. 5 out of 5

    Saba Habtom

    Colourful and easy learn

  5. 5 out of 5


    Very helpful thank you

  6. 5 out of 5

    Rob Camargo

    That’s great. It’s so helpful

  7. 5 out of 5

    Maria Eugenia Hernández

    Loved it!

  8. 5 out of 5


    Love it!

  9. 5 out of 5

    Ivone H

    They’ll come handy to practice numbers with my ESL students. Thanks a lot.

  10. 5 out of 5


    They look very helpful!

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