Long Vowel Rhyming Words
Five sets of rhyming cards, one for each long vowel sound, with 3 or 4 rhymes together on one card.
Get ready to read some spelling patterns with long a, e, i, o, u. And oo.
Each of the long vowel sounds has its own set of cards here. The rhyming words on each card share an ending sound and usually– but not always– the same spelling pattern.
Most cards contain 4- or 5-letter words, with a very few 6-letter words squeezed in, too. This means you’ll find blends and digraphs as well, but as much as possible I’ve tried to keep the 5-letter words together on their own cards.
Master these rhyming words and you’ll be ready to write poetry!
Have fun!

3 Pages
27 cards. 107 words.
Long a spelling patterns: ay, a_e, ai, ea, eigh, ey
Also: -are, -air, -ear
fray gray play stay, sleigh weigh they, fade jade made wade, blade grade trade shade, age cage page stage, bake lake make take, flake quake snake shake, nail mail pail quail, frail snail tail trail, kale pale scale whale, fame game name tame, blame frame flame shame, gain pain rain brain, chain plain Spain train, cape grape shape tape, care dare hare rare, scare share snare stare, fair hair chair air, bear pear tear wear, there their they're where, case face lace pace, chase place space trace, date gate hate late, crate plate skate state, bait wait eight weight, cave fave save shave, gaze glaze haze maze

14 Pages
27 cards. 107 words.
Long a spelling patterns: ay, a_e, ai, ea, eigh, ey
Also: -are, -air, -ear
fray gray play stay, sleigh weigh they, fade jade made wade, blade grade trade shade, age cage page stage, bake lake make take, flake quake snake shake, nail mail pail quail, frail snail tail trail, kale pale scale whale, fame game name tame, blame frame flame shame, gain pain rain brain, chain plain Spain train, cape grape shape tape, care dare hare rare, scare share snare stare, fair hair chair air, bear pear tear wear, there their they're where, case face lace pace, chase place space trace, date gate hate late, crate plate skate state, bait wait eight weight, cave fave save shave, gaze glaze haze maze

27 Pages
27 cards. 107 words.
Long a spelling patterns: ay, a_e, ai, ea, eigh, ey
Also: -are, -air, -ear
fray gray play stay, sleigh weigh they, fade jade made wade, blade grade trade shade, age cage page stage, bake lake make take, flake quake snake shake, nail mail pail quail, frail snail tail trail, kale pale scale whale, fame game name tame, blame frame flame shame, gain pain rain brain, chain plain Spain train, cape grape shape tape, care dare hare rare, scare share snare stare, fair hair chair air, bear pear tear wear, there their they're where, case face lace pace, chase place space trace, date gate hate late, crate plate skate state, bait wait eight weight, cave fave save shave, gaze glaze haze maze

3 Pages
27 cards. 107 words.
Long e spelling patterns: ee, ea, ie
Also: -eer, -ear
bead mead read plead, feed need seed weed, bleed breed greed speed, beach peach teach bleach, beech leech speech screech, brief chief grief thief, beak peak leak weak, creak speak sneak streak, cheek creek leek peek, feel peel heel wheel, deal meal seal real, team steam dream scream, bean clean lean mean, seen green queen screen, beep keep peep weep, sheep sleep steep sweep, heap leap cheap reap, cheer deer sneer veer, dear fear gear near, geese Greece piece niece, crease grease lease peace, beet feet greet meet, sheet street sweet tweet, beat heat meat neat, cheat pleat treat wheat, heave leave weave sleeve, breeze cheese keys sneeze

14 Pages
27 cards. 107 words.
Long e spelling patterns: ee, ea, ie
Also: -eer, -ear
bead mead read plead, feed need seed weed, bleed breed greed speed, beach peach teach bleach, beech leech speech screech, brief chief grief thief, beak peak leak weak, creak speak sneak streak, cheek creek leek peek, feel peel heel wheel, deal meal seal real, team steam dream scream, bean clean lean mean, seen green queen screen, beep keep peep weep, sheep sleep steep sweep, heap leap cheap reap, cheer deer sneer veer, dear fear gear near, geese Greece piece niece, crease grease lease peace, beet feet greet meet, sheet street sweet tweet, beat heat meat neat, cheat pleat treat wheat, heave leave weave sleeve, breeze cheese keys sneeze

27 Pages
27 cards. 107 words.
Long e spelling patterns: ee, ea, ie
Also: -eer, -ear
bead mead read plead, feed need seed weed, bleed breed greed speed, beach peach teach bleach, beech leech speech screech, brief chief grief thief, beak peak leak weak, creak speak sneak streak, cheek creek leek peek, feel peel heel wheel, deal meal seal real, team steam dream scream, bean clean lean mean, seen green queen screen, beep keep peep weep, sheep sleep steep sweep, heap leap cheap reap, cheer deer sneer veer, dear fear gear near, geese Greece piece niece, crease grease lease peace, beet feet greet meet, sheet street sweet tweet, beat heat meat neat, cheat pleat treat wheat, heave leave weave sleeve, breeze cheese keys sneeze

2 Pages
18 cards. 72 words.
Long i spelling patterns: ie, i_e, igh, y
hide ride side tide, bride pride glide slide, cried died fried lied, knife life wife, bike hike like pike, file smile tile while, chime dime lime time, pine fine vine wine, shine shrine spine twine, pipe stripe swipe wipe, fire hire tire wire, dice lice mice rice, price slice spice twice, bite kite white write, fight light tight right, bright flight knight slight, dive drive five hive, size prize rise wise

9 Pages
18 cards. 72 words.
Long i spelling patterns: ie, i_e, igh, y
hide ride side tide, bride pride glide slide, cried died fried lied, knife life wife, bike hike like pike, file smile tile while, chime dime lime time, pine fine vine wine, shine shrine spine twine, pipe stripe swipe wipe, fire hire tire wire, dice lice mice rice, price slice spice twice, bite kite white write, fight light tight right, bright flight knight slight, dive drive five hive, size prize rise wise

18 Pages
18 cards. 72 words.
Long i spelling patterns: ie, i_e, igh, y
hide ride side tide, bride pride glide slide, cried died fried lied, knife life wife, bike hike like pike, file smile tile while, chime dime lime time, pine fine vine wine, shine shrine spine twine, pipe stripe swipe wipe, fire hire tire wire, dice lice mice rice, price slice spice twice, bite kite white write, fight light tight right, bright flight knight slight, dive drive five hive, size prize rise wise

3 Pages
27 cards. 105 words.
Long o spelling patterns: oa, oe, o_e, ow
crow grow glow flow, show slow snow throw, robe globe probe strobe, code mode rode strode, load road toad, joke poke woke yoke, broke choke smoke spoke, oak soak cloak croak, hole role sole whole, roll troll scroll stroll, coal foal goal shoal, dome home Rome chrome, foam loam roam, bone cone tone zone, drone phone stone throne, blown flown grown thrown, hope mope nope slope, bore core more sore, chore score shore snore, four pour your, oar boar soar roar, hose nose pose rose, chose close those prose, boat coat goat moat, bloat gloat groat throat, note tote vote wrote, coach poach roach broach

14 Pages
27 cards. 105 words.
Long o spelling patterns: oa, oe, o_e, ow
crow grow glow flow, show slow snow throw, robe globe probe strobe, code mode rode strode, load road toad, joke poke woke yoke, broke choke smoke spoke, oak soak cloak croak, hole role sole whole, roll troll scroll stroll, coal foal goal shoal, dome home Rome chrome, foam loam roam, bone cone tone zone, drone phone stone throne, blown flown grown thrown, hope mope nope slope, bore core more sore, chore score shore snore, four pour your, oar boar soar roar, hose nose pose rose, chose close those prose, boat coat goat moat, bloat gloat groat throat, note tote vote wrote, coach poach roach broach

27 Pages
27 cards. 105 words.
Long o spelling patterns: oa, oe, o_e, ow
crow grow glow flow, show slow snow throw, robe globe probe strobe, code mode rode strode, load road toad, joke poke woke yoke, broke choke smoke spoke, oak soak cloak croak, hole role sole whole, roll troll scroll stroll, coal foal goal shoal, dome home Rome chrome, foam loam roam, bone cone tone zone, drone phone stone throne, blown flown grown thrown, hope mope nope slope, bore core more sore, chore score shore snore, four pour your, oar boar soar roar, hose nose pose rose, chose close those prose, boat coat goat moat, bloat gloat groat throat, note tote vote wrote, coach poach roach broach

Word cards, Small, Long U - OO
2 Pages
18 cards. 68 words.
Long U and Long OO spelling patterns: ue, u_e, ew, oo, o_e, ou, and u as in truth
blue clue glue true, chew crew drew knew, food mood rude crude, duke fluke nuke Luke, cool fool pool tool, drool school spool stool, boom loom room zoom, bloom gloom groom vroom, loon moon noon soon, croon spoon swoon, dune June prune tune, coop goop hoop loop, droop scoop snoop swoop, cure pure sure you're, moor poor tour, boot hoot toot scoot, groove prove move you've, booth tooth truth youth

Word cards, Medium, Long U - OO
9 Pages
18 cards. 68 words.
Long U and Long OO spelling patterns: ue, u_e, ew, oo, o_e, ou, and u as in truth
blue clue glue true, chew crew drew knew, food mood rude crude, duke fluke nuke Luke, cool fool pool tool, drool school spool stool, boom loom room zoom, bloom gloom groom vroom, loon moon noon soon, croon spoon swoon, dune June prune tune, coop goop hoop loop, droop scoop snoop swoop, cure pure sure you're, moor poor tour, boot hoot toot scoot, groove prove move you've, booth tooth truth youth

Word cards, Large, Long U - OO
18 Pages
18 cards. 68 words.
Long U and Long OO spelling patterns: ue, u_e, ew, oo, o_e, ou, and u as in truth
blue clue glue true, chew crew drew knew, food mood rude crude, duke fluke nuke Luke, cool fool pool tool, drool school spool stool, boom loom room zoom, bloom gloom groom vroom, loon moon noon soon, croon spoon swoon, dune June prune tune, coop goop hoop loop, droop scoop snoop swoop, cure pure sure you're, moor poor tour, boot hoot toot scoot, groove prove move you've, booth tooth truth youth
Karen –
Very practical for classroom instruction. Thank you for the hard work! 🙂
Karen –
You’re welcome!
Carmen –
These look great, but I can’t figure out how to download them.
Karen –
You’ll have to turn off ad blocking. For more info, please read this page:
Eli –
Thank you!
Siamak –
Jessica Chattopadhyay –
My son now understands so much more thank you so much. this has made things so much easier.
Kwang –
Thank you
Fabiola –
Muchas gracias muy buenos
Luz –
Muy bueno gracias
Luz –
Debra –
I love these cards!!
Emily Brown –
highly informative and helpful to my student
lena –
I love cards
jody spain –
Vandana Mittal –
A very good and easy to use teaching resource. It helps when children can take these cards home and practice the long vowel words.
ramie –
very useful
Ria –
Thank You for sharing.
Sarah Elizabeth Scriven –
Author has designed exactly what is necessary for foreign students
Jasmine –
they are awesommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme
Thank you so much! it is very visible. The pupils can read it even 15 meters away
Karen –
Wow, I didn’t know that! I’m glad the large format is useful for your class!
Choi –
Very good
김민아 –
Thank You for sharing.
Song –
Thank youuuu
chou –
Thank you for sharing.
Noor –
Amazing site and great work guys. Thank you very much
Patricia –
so helpful
camila –